Positive market reaction: imbus is the 30th A4Q Selenium Tester Training Provider
Today imbus became the 30th training provider who will be delivering Selenium Tester Foundation Level courses around the world including in the UK, Germany, South Africa, India, US, Canada, China and many more. Additionally, a number of ISTQB® Member Boards will endorse A4Q Selenium Tester Foundation as a complimentary product available to their local testing communities. The Global Association for Software Quality (GASQ) and the International Software Quality Institute (iSQI) announced on 10th August 2018 that Selenium Tester Foundation certification was now included in their respective global certification portfolios. The market reaction from around the world is very positive.
GASQ CEO Werner Henschelchen stated “Market feedback for Selenium Tester Foundation training and certification has been excellent; we are proud to have been able to make this accessible around the world. Supporting test professionals with real world skills is imperative and exams from established exam providers ensure will ensure the integrity of the certification”.
For iSQI, CEO Stephan Goericke, confirmed, “The level of interest in this new certification has been overwhelming with a significant volume of requests for training and exams from both individuals and, also, organizations seeking to develop their team’s skills in test automation with [Selenium] WebDriver. Training providers appreciate the added-value to their customers of a highly practical course and indeed certification exams delivered to the highest quality standards.”