New Certification scheme launched
The International Business Analysis Qualifications Board (IBAQB) has launched a new certification for Business Analysts.
The new IBAQB Certified Business Analyst certification is designed for people involved in analyzing business processes within an organization, modeling businesses and process improvement: Business Analysts, Process and Product Owners, Innovators, Product Designers, Process Optimization Professionals etc. The scheme was developed in cooperation between several international experts. The content of this scheme can therefore be seen as an international standard. The syllabus thereby makes it possible to train and test internationally at the same level.
Karolina Zmitrowicz, chair of IBAQB said: "IBAQB is the result of a high demand on the market for a certification for Business Analysts. With the IBAQB scheme we tried to create an international language for Business Analysts."
IBAQB is an international and independent standard-giving body for business analysis and a special interest group (SIG) in the international organization GASQ - Global Association for Software Quality AISBL. The mission of IBAQB is to develop and maintain best standards in the field of business analysis and for the certification of its practitioners.
You can find further info about IBAQB ob the official IBAQB website.