New Certification for Occupational Safety according ISO 45001 published

The International Qualifications Board for Occupational Health and Safety, IQBOHS just presented a new certification to ISO45001, which deals with the topic of Occupational Safety in a brandnew methodical breadth.
IQBOHS designated GASQ as global certification body for this certification.

With the release of ISO 45001, a new standard in the field of Occupational Safety- & Managementsystems was set. Consequently all businesses need to focus on those adjustments in the Occupational Safety guidelines.

As the old standard BS OHSAS 18001 will be outdated, all certifications in accordance with BS OHSAS 18001 will loose their validity latest after three years.
IQBOHS (International Qualifications Board for Occupational Health and Safety) is an independent association which is focussing on the global support and diffusion of the topic Occupational Safety- & Managementsystems. Accredited Training Providers offer detailed and accurate online- & classroom trainings.

As part of an Occupational Health – Managementsystem or simply as someone who is interested in the same, it is important to stay up to date or deepen the knowledge in this topic. Otherwise the efffectiveness and the security of your emloyees cannot be guaranteed. Considering the new standard ISO 45001 will help your company to avoid economic losses in case of incidents.

The IQBOHS exam will be available with GASQ from 15.10.2018.