GASQ on World Usability Day
GASQ is on the World Usability Day in Stuattgart today to present the IBUQ certification.
The 7th World Usability Day in Stuttgart with around 3.000 participants is the major event on Usability Engineering in Germany. GASQ and IBUQ are presenting the leading certification for Usability Experts there.
IBUQ is an international and independent standard-giving body for usability engineering and a special interest group (SIG) in GASQ. The IBUQ certification ensures to use a standardized language in the field of Usability Engineering. Major benefits are:
- Regular verification and development of the standards by a renownded scientific committee
- Agenda setting and public relations for usibility topics via involment of politics and other public stakeholders
- Network with national and international standard-giving organisations
- Quality and up-to-date standards by adjusting them to new developments and technologies in time
For further info please visit the IBUQ website.