ASTQB agrees on cooperation with IQBBA and REQB
The American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB) has agreed on cooperation with the International Qualifications Board for Business Analysis (IQBBA) and the Requirements Engineering Qualifications Board (REQB). The ASTQB will be the national IQBBA and REQB board in the U.S. from now on.
French RE-Day huge success
The first French RE-Day in Paris with more than 130 participants was a huge success. The REQB-event organized by the CFTL and GASQ was the biggest event on Requirements Engineering in France. Speakers from Orange, Sopra and CFTL gave presentations on important topics in Requirements Engineering. Also the benefits of the international leading certification scheme REQB have been presented.
ITA-STQB and REQB agree on cooperation
The Italian Software Testing Qualifications Board (ITA-STQB) and the Requirements Engineering Qualifications Board (REQB) have agreed on a cooperation.
REQB General Assembly Meeting in Berlin
The Requirements Engineering Qualifications Board (REQB) has met in Berlin for its General Assembly meeting. Main topics were the development of the scheme and the election of the REQB Executive and Working Group Chairs. New REQB Chair is Folke Nilsson from Sweden.
New ISTQB Advanced Level released
At the ISTQB Meeting in South Africa the ISTQB has released its new Advanced Level version 2012. The release consists of an overview document plus 3 separate, distinct syllabi for Advanced Test Manager, Advanced Test Analyst and Advanced Technical Test Analyst.
French Testing Day 2013
The French Testing Day 2013 will take place on 26st of March 2013 in Paris. The annual french-speaking conference is the leading event on Software Testing in France. In 3 different tracks software testers have the possibility to listen to newest information out of the testing area and can also network with the Frennch Testing community.